FUN FACTS about mark


I’m an outdoors enthusiast. Mountaineering, snowboarding and dirt biking to name a few favorites.


I’m a family man. Never thought I’d love the title of ‘Soccer Dad’ the way I do.


Road tripping with the family is how I enjoy long weekends.

FUN FACTS about Caitlin


I’m a creative. I was a hair stylist for 20 years and then made the switch to interiors in 2020.


I’ve loved creating spaces that feel good and function well for people for as long as I can remember. 


Obtained Certification in Interior Design from Interior Designers Institute.

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our mission

Schaeffer Construction knows first hand that building a home means building a legacy.

Schaeffer Construction is committed to partnering with clients to authentically produce the dwelling of their dreams. Utilizing clean, functional design and sustainable engineering, Schaeffer Construction promises honest and reliable  practices no matter the budget, allowing clients to rest in the knowledge that their vision is built on a foundation of integrity.